Welcome to the Sonoran University

Khalsa Health Sciences Library



The Sonoran University Library has a lot of essential resources and services that are important to the students, faculty and physicians on or off campus. These include very unique physical materials, and even unique online resources only accessible in the Library. As part of the Library’s effort to continue to provide access to these essential library resources and services, while also helping to keep the Sonoran University Community safe and healthy, it has implemented some guidelines and procedures for visiting the Library and obtaining resources.


At this time, the Library is now accessible, no appointment required, for individual use weekdays from 7am to 7pm. Staff is on-site 8am to 5pm, with the Bookroom Open during these hours. Badge Access is required before 8am and after 5pm. Groups may be allowed in the Library by special request and providing Sonoran University's COVID guidelines and required practices and procedures are followed.


  • COVID Practices:  Be aware of Sonoran University's Policies & Guidelines regarding COVID, and you are expected to follow protocols accordingly:  https://my.sonoran.edu/ICS/Academics   Non-compliance may result in same-day Reservation/Appointment cancellation.


For any Library questions or assistance, please contact the library by e-mail as the primary method of communication. Due to the library’s limited hours and staffing, the library staff is more likely to be able to respond by e-mail at most any time in the order they are received; though delays may occur. If extensive assistance by phone is necessary, scheduling an appointment during the above mentioned Library hours will be required.




Badge Required

Don't Forget Your Sonoran University Identification Badge

Remember, that your Sonoran University ID Badge is required to be on campus, to enter certain areas of the campus, and for printing.



Booking Space / Rooms on Campus

The Library Study Rooms, first and foremost, are for use when utilizing Library resources, and can be booked on an as needed basis. Occasional study use can be arranged on a limited as needed basis. They cannot be booked/scheduled for recurring appointments for the entire term; though they can be booked/scheduled for up to two consecutive weeks if necessary. Please do not plan to use Library space to attend your Online courses.