"Sonoran University is committed as an institution to building a community where all individuals feel respected, included, supported, and valued." -- Paul Mittman, ND, EdD, Sonoran University President/CEO

DEI Books in the Library

The following titles are available in the Khalsa Health Sciences Library:


Beyond race and gender: unleashing the power of your total work force by managing diversity, by R. Roosevelt Thomas Jr.

Inclusion : Diversity, The New Workplace & The Will to Change, by Jennifer Brown

Seeing Patients: A Surgeon’s Story of Race and Medical Bias, by Augustus A. White III

Black Man in a White Coat: A Doctor’s Reflections on Race and Medicine, by Damon Tweedy

Just Medicine: A Cure for Racial Inequality in American Health Care, Dayna Bowen Matthew

Medicine & Culture, by Lynn Payer

Blindspot: Hidden Biases of Good People, by Mahzarin R. Banaji

Racism in Healthcare: Alive and Well: The Greatest Barrier to Reform, Marie Edwige Seneque

Diversity in the Workplace: Eye-Opening Interviews to Jumpstart Conversations about Identity, Privilege, and Bias, by Bari A. Williams

We Can’t Talk about That at Work!: How to Talk about Race, Religion, Politics, and Other Polarizing Topics, by Mary-Frances Winters

So You Want to Talk about Race, by Ijeoma Oluo

White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk about Racism, by Robin DiAngelo

Transgender Health: A Practitioner's Guide to Binary and Non-Binary Trans Patient Care, by Ben Vincent

Comprehensive Care of the Transgender Patient, by Cecile A. Ferrando



Library Catalog

Library Catalog

Look for books, videos, flash cards, etc., in the Library Collection with our online catalog; Electronic Books also included, with links provided.



DEI Medical Education Resources

Antiracism and Race Literacy - A primer and toolkit for medical educators

  • HIGHLY recommended reading that covers many topics.

Click Here to go to this Site


One Page Anti-Racism for Medical Educators Checklist v6.26.20.pdf

  • The one-page checklist from the above document. Recommended for review if you do not have time to read all the other documents.

Click Here to go to this Site


From race-based to race-conscious medicine: how anti-racist uprisings call us to act.

Click Here to go to this Site


Misrepresenting Race — The Role of Medical Schools in Propagating Physician Bias

  • Contains a good table with recommendations for improving the use of race in medicine.

Click Here to go to this Site


Addressing Race, Culture, and Structural Inequality in Medical Education: A Guide for Revising Teaching Cases

  • Great paper reviewing case presentations in Aquifer.
  • Chart 1 gives good information on how to update cases about presentation of race and culture.

Click Here to go to this Site


Race Matters? Examining and Rethinking Race Portrayal in Preclinical Medical Education

Click Here to go to this Site


Guidelines for the use of race, ethnicity and other cultural groups when teaching in the medical curriculum

Click Here to go to this Site


Race and Culture Guide for Editors of Teaching Cases

Click Here to go to this Site


Standford Medicine LGBTQ Medical Education Research Group

  • Large database of resources

Click Here to go to this Site


Extension Foundation

  • Extension Foundation with Cooperative Extension together provide professional development



General DEI Resources

Professional Development Online Course

  • by the eXtension Foundation Impact Collabortive



Unconscious Bias in Medicine

  • Stanford Online Course 1 CME Credit – 1 hour

Click Here to go to this Site


Library Bill of Rights

from the American Library Association

  • Libraries are essential to democracy and self-government, to personal development and social progress, and to every individual’s inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. To that end, libraries and library workers should embrace equity, diversity, and inclusion in everything that they do.


Zinn Education Project

Teaching People's History

  • Lessons of cultural distinctions, and historical stories, of various peoples in American history


Southern Poverty Law Center

Speak Up: Responding to Bigotry

  • The Southern Poverty Law Center gathered hundreds of stories of everyday bigotry from people across the United States. They told their stories through e-mail, personal interviews and at roundtable discussions in four cities. People spoke about encounters in stores and restaurants, on streets and in schools. No matter the location or relationship, the stories echo each other.


Stanford Graduate School of Business

Anti-Racism and Allyship 7 Day Journey

  • Educators developed this journey, interactive course, to make positive change in the world. Here you can learn more about Anti-Racism and becoming an Ally.


Inclusive Graduate Education Network

Inclusive Practices Resource Guide

  • A guide to racism, and links various online resources on its effects, and how to respond.



Test Yourself

The following web resources were created to help all persons become more aware of their internal biases. Consider visiting these links, and take some of the tests, to better help you understand your own implicit biases.



Sonoran University defines diversity as the extensive range of human experiences including but not limited to race, ethnicity, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, the variety of roles people occupy on campus, or your preferred style of communication, to name a few.

Equity is related to creating access to opportunities or resources in order to arrive at a fair solution in an imbalanced environment. People have different needs, life or social circumstances which can be addressed by providing adequate resources to reach a level outcome.

Inclusion is the standard of providing programs, policies and practices that address the diverse needs of members in the campus community. When we do this, people experience a sense of belonging and feel that they matter.
Inclusive Excellence is the standard set by an organization to intentionally integrate diversity, inclusion, and equity into its organizational pursuit of excellence.



Women's Health



This image shows just some of the books in the Sonoran University Library with respect to Women’s History, Health and achieving Success. Please utilize the Library’s Catalog to find these and many more resources in the Library collection:  http://librarycatalog.sonoran.edu





This image shows just some of the books in the Sonoran University Library with respect to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, in society, the workplace, and medicine. Please utilize the Library’s Catalog to find these and other resources in the Library collection:  http://librarycatalog.sonoran.edu

Healthcare for the Deaf

An interesting webinar on providing health info for people who are deaf – it was given by two physicians in Utah, January 12, 2023.  One physician is deaf and the other was raised by a deaf mother.  It is only about 35 minutes and said to be well worth watching for a different perspective and really makes you think about how physicians and health-care workers communicate with the deaf.


You can find the recording of the January 12, 2023 webinar on the event page.


Diversity is the presence of differences that may include race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, nationality, socioeconomic status, language, (dis)ability, age, religious commitment, or political perspective.  Populations that have been-and remain- underrepresented among practitioners in the field and marginalized in the broader society.

Equity is promoting justice, impartiality and fairness within the procedures, processes, and distribution of resources by institutions or systems.  Tackling equity issues requires an understanding of the root causes of outcome disparities within our society.

Inclusion is an outcome to ensure those that are diverse actually feel and/or are welcomed.  Inclusion outcomes are met when you, your institution, and your program are truly inviting to all.  To the degree to which diverse individuals are able to participate fully in the decision-making processes and development opportunities within an organization or group.




What Does Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Mean in the Workplace?, Built In

7 Steps to Create More Diversity, equity, and Inclusion at Work, Network for Business Sustainability

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Wikipedia