The testing center primarily supports students with ADA accommodations. 


Accessibility Services Administrator:
Josh Brandenburg
Schedule an Appointment

Online Exams / LockDown Browser 

Check with your instructors regarding exam times, procedures, etc. Be sure to check and test your Respondus LockDown Browser software the day before any scheduled exam.


You will be required to download and install a software program called Respondus LockDown Browser. Information regarding this software, with a link to download it, is provided by Sonoran University’s I.T. Department on a new MySonoran page. Online Exams / LockDown Browser page; you must be logged in to MySonoran to view this page. Contact the I.T. Department for any technical assistance. You can reach out to the IT Helpdesk at | 480-222-9329 and we will be glad to assist you. 

Guidelines and Practices


  • A Proctor oversees and monitors the exam process to ensure the student follows the guidelines, or expectations, from the instructor for an exam.  For example, the test may be open book, closed book, may allow the use of the calculator, or may have additional stipulations listed by the instructor, including time limits.
  • Hardcopy exams are kept in a safe/secure place before and after the exam is administered.  The Library utilizes a secure cabinet for exams to which only Library Staff have access.
  • In the case of online exams, the Proctor merely provides the location and environment conducive to the integrity of testing.
  • Students should arrive on time and have the necessary tools/materials they need to complete the exam such as pencil, eraser, laptop, earplugs, earphones, etc.
  • Students should use the restroom facilities prior to sitting for any exam.  In rare circumstances, Proctors may allow use of the restroom, but may accompany the student.
  • Students should show Identification to the Proctor.
  • Please turn off or silence all devices.  
  • Students must leave their backpacks and all un-allowed electronic devices (including iPads, tablets, cell phones, Fitbit, Air Pods, ear buds, and smartwatches) outside the testing room, or in an area that is secure, away from where they are taking the exam.  If allowed by ADA accommodation, students may use earplugs and/or Sonoran University provided headphones.
  • Unless designated as an open book exam, the student should not take textbooks, papers, books, or laptops into the exam area.  Only if allowed by the faculty, exceptions may include one blank sheet of paper for calculations.  In such cases, the student must turn in note/scratch paper with the exam.
  • In the case of an online exam, the student should have only one browser window open during the exam.  In other words, the computer monitor should display the exam only, and no other parts of the course or other websites or notes.  The student should enable the Lockdown Browser if instructed by the faculty.
  • The Proctor shall make allowances for ADA accommodations as provided by the Accessibility Office.  Common accommodations include extra time, standing desk, and dimmed lights.
  • Medications and/or supplements may be allowed only with advanced notice from the Accessibility Office.
  • The Proctor may allow water bottles.  Proctors may inspect the bottle and sometimes ask the student to shake them so that we can hear the liquid inside.
  • The Proctor must report any problems/issues related to the students taking the test to the instructor, before, during or after the exam.
  • Students return completed exams to the Proctor and secures the completed exam until the instructor arrives to pick it up.  
  • Sonoran University students are in no way allowed to copy, process, pick-up, or deliver exams to instructors, or in any way are involved in the Testing Center processes.  This, naturally, includes the Library Federal Work Study students.

In addition to the many functions of the Sonoran University Library, and the various rooms and resources, we also have a Testing Center, which is utilized in conjunction with the Dean of Students Office, and the Accessibility Office.

Missed Exams

If you miss an exam, you are responsible for making it up. Here’s how:


  1. Student Absence Form – 📝 This is required for an absence review to determine if you're eligible for a make-up exam. *J1 FormFlow
  2. Missed Exam Request Form – ✅ Provide all necessary details to process your request.

  3. Wait for Confirmation – ⏳ Once both forms are submitted, our testing team will review your request and contact you to schedule a make-up exam.


📍 Location: All non-ADA make-up exams will be held in the library.

Questions: Check with your professor or send us an email at