Looking for journal articles? 

Try iSearch or PubMed:  PubMed (MEDLINE)



The Sonoran University Library has a ‘Google Like’ Search Engine, called iSearch, that searches most, not all, of the various Library’s online resources, including the Library Catalog, our many E-books, and most notably our various online medical journals databases.

Click on the iSearch logo to go to the main Advanced Search home page.

For a quick 4-minute Video Tutorial on how to use iSearch, created by and part of the EBSCO Discovery Service, Click Here.


Click on this image to get to iSearch


The following is a 4-part 9-minute iSearch instructional video that was created by Sonoran University, and is tailored specifically to the Library's MySonoran pages and resources.





Want to know if the Library has a book in its physical collection? 

Try the catalog: Library Catalog


Having trouble finding resources on your topic?  Don't hesitate to ask for assistance!  library@sonoran.edu