Student Site Overview

The information below is to familiarize students with the features and functions of Accommodate. A summary of how to use these features is listed below. All ADA students will also be enrolled in a Canvas Course which provides step-by-step instructions on using Accommodate Site.

Navigation Options in Accommodate

  • Home- A home page with important information, notifications, and reminders. 
  • Accommodation- This Dropdown includes all the various functions that allow students to monitor, request, and update their accommodations
    • Accommodation Request - Shows all the accommodations granted on the initial accommodation plan
    • Update Accommodations - Shows any additional accommodations provided after the initial application
    • Term Request - Allows students to look up the accommodations by term 
    • Accommodation Letters - Where you go to sign a new accommodation letter that you receive and view past letters
    • Equipment - Not currently used
    • Documents - Where new medical documentation is uploaded and stores all documentation related to a request for accommodation
  • Resources - Contains links to supplemental information, training guides, and external resources
  • Surveys - Contains surveys accommodation recipients may be required or requested to complete
  • Calendar - Shows current course schedules, Accommodate events, and test room bookings (future functionality) in an agenda, daily, weekly, monthly,  and yearly view. 
  • Profile - Stores basic info and settings unique to the user logged into the site
    • Personal - Contains basic student Information
    • Academic - Show basic program information
    • Privacy - Where you can change how often you receive notifications, sync calendars, and enable text message alerts