What is Accommodate?

Accommodate is a platform that helps educational institutions modernize the accommodation request process, to simplify applying for, delivering, and monitoring student accommodations. It streamlines and automates processes to quickly deliver accommodations. 

Students and faculty access through their dedicated sites to quickly view accommodation plans and review received notifications. Students can additionally request additional ADA services and interact with the Accessibility Office through their Accommodate site.

The solution is fully ADA- and 508-compliant and is used in over 200 institutions worldwide to ease the process of requesting assistance to access educational opportunities.

Accessing Accommodate

To access accommodate for Staff and Faculty please follow the steps below:

Student Site Overview

The information below is to familiarize students with the features and functions of Accommodate. A summary of how to use these features is listed below. All ADA students will also be enrolled in a Canvas Course which provides step-by-step instructions on using Accommodate Site.

Navigation Options in Accommodate

  • Home- A home page with important information, notifications, and reminders. 
  • Accommodation- This Dropdown includes all the various functions that allow students to monitor, request, and update their accommodations
    • Accommodation Request - Shows all the accommodations granted on the initial accommodation plan
    • Update Accommodations - Shows any additional accommodations provided after the initial application
    • Term Request - Allows students to look up the accommodations by term 
    • Accommodation Letters - Where you go to sign a new accommodation letter that you receive and view past letters
    • Equipment - Not currently used
    • Documents - Where new medical documentation is uploaded and stores all documentation related to a request for accommodation
  • Resources - Contains links to supplemental information, training guides, and external resources
  • Surveys - Contains surveys accommodation recipients may be required or requested to complete
  • Calendar - Shows current course schedules, Accommodate events, and test room bookings (future functionality) in an agenda, daily, weekly, monthly,  and yearly view. 
  • Profile - Stores basic info and settings unique to the user logged into the site
    • Personal - Contains basic student Information
    • Academic - Show basic program information
    • Privacy - Where you can change how often you receive notifications, sync calendars, and enable text message alerts

Faculty Site Overview

The information below is to familiarize faculty with the features and functions of Accommodate. A summary of how to use these features is listed below. All faculty will also be enrolled in a Canvas Course which provides step-by-step instructions on using Accommodate Site.

Navigation Options in Accommodate

  • Home- A home page with important information, notifications, and reminders.
  • Accommodation Letters - Where you go to sign a new accommodation letter that you receive and view past letters
  • Courses - Used to view students and their accommodation plans who are enrolled in courses taught by the faculty member
    • Course Catalog - Allows faculty to search for current and next terms courses and to see enrolled students and their accommodations
    • Past Courses - Allows faculty to see past courses and the enrolled students
  • My Account - Contains basic profile information imported from the Campus Student Information System