This week many of our current ND students and recent ND graduates will sit for the Naturopathic Physicians Licensing Examinations (NPLEX). The two-part exam is a requirement for licensure as a naturopathic physician.
At the midpoint in their education, students in the ND program sit for Part I - The Biomedical Science Exam. This exam covers the following subjects: anatomy, physiology, biochemistry, microbiology, immunology, and pathology. This exam will be held on February 4th.
Upon completion of the program, graduates sit for NPLEX Part II - The Core Clinical Science Exam. This three-day exam covers diagnosis and treatment, including all the naturopathic modalities they learned in their courses and clinical rotations. Our graduates will complete the Part II exams from February 5th – February 7th. Depending on where each graduate chooses to practice, state licensing authorities may require additional add-on exams in acupuncture, minor surgery, pharmacology, and/or parenteral medicine, which are scheduled during the same week.
Our past successes show that Sonoran students and graduates are well prepared for these exams! Still, preparing for and taking these high-stakes exams is very stressful. Please join me in sending positive energy to the students and graduates of the ND program and wish them the best of luck on the NPLEX exams.